Pavišiūnuose rugpjūčio 21d. (antradienį) meldžiamasi už Caritas darbuotojus ir ligonius |
Švč. Mergelės Marijos Ėmimo į dangų (Žolinės) atlaidai Pivašiūnuose (2012 m. rugpjūčio 15–22 d.)
Š.m. rugpjūčio 21d. (antradienį) Pivašiūnuose bus meldžiamasi už Caritas darbuotojus ir ligonius.
Kviečiami visus savo malda, meslti tvirtybės ir sveikatos.
Daugiau informacijos rasite čia. |
IBTA 2012 m. birželio mėn. naujienos (anglų k.) |
IBTA Magazine: The worldwide distribution of the IBTA's "Brain Tumour" magazine is in progress with individual copies having already been received in Canada, the USA, UK and Ireland. It is a major undertaking but if you do not receive a copy by about mid-July please register your land/postal details here.
ASCO: The IBTA distributed 250 copies of its magazine at the ASCO conference held recently in Chicago and were ably assisted at our stand in the Patient Advocacy booth by locals Mary Ellen Maher and Jean Arzbaecher. Demographics of who attended the ASCO meeting are not yet available but based on last year's analysis there were probably fewer overall attendees and consequently fewer present in 2012 equivalent to the approximately 774 professionals who indicated last year that they had an interest in CNS tumours.
In the presentations, posters and abstracts, attention was given to the results of the EORTC study of patients with anaplastic oligodendroglial brain tumours which showed a survival benefit for those receiving chemotherapy (procarbazine, lomustine, vincristine) after radiation therapy, particularly those with a 1p/19q co-deletion. Also attracting attention were the results of the German NOA-08 trial of GBM or AA patients over 65 years of age. Temozolomide (TMZ) demonstrated non inferiority to radiation therapy (RT) in the overall population. For those with MGMT promoter methylation outcomes were better for TMZ versus RT. A commentator on the results suggested: "I would argue strongly that if you don't have MGMT results, you should not give temozolomide upfront". (See Page 15A here.) The IBTA, as a patient advocacy group, has some doubts about such an approach.
There was also general interest in Immunocellular Therapeutics' ICT-107, for which a Phase IIb trial is underway and in Tocagen's therapy. Among the posters there was interest in the first clinical presentation about Apogenix's APG101.
Visas Tarptautinės sergančiųjų galvos smegenų augliais asociacijos 2012 m. birželio mėn. naujienas anglų kalba rasite čia.
Šaltinis: |
IBTA 2012 m. gegužės mėn. naujienos (anglų k.) |
ASCO: The Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) will be held during 1-5 June at Chicago. There are 231 abstracts with the keyword "CNS" in their title. Click here for access to the list. This is a link to the CNS sessions. The IBTA will have a presence in the ASCO Patient Advocacy booth (No 3005 - see here for map) and will have copies available of the just-published 2012 edition of "Brain Tumour" magazine (see below).
IBTA magazine: 12,000 copies of the 2012 edition of "Brain Tumour" magazine have been printed in the UK ready for free worldwide distribution to recipients in 106 countries. This 140-page publication contains over 80 interviews, articles and reports of broad interest, plus a special A2-size wall chart/poster of progress in brain tumour treatments prepared originally by Dr Susan M Chang for ASCO in an on-line format. Copies of the magazine will be posted from Europe to all those for whom we have a postal/land address. If you do not receive your copy by early July, please convey your details via this on-line form.
Visas Tarptautinės sergančiųjų galvos smegenų augliais asociacijos 2012 m. gegužės mėn. naujienas anglų kalba rasite čia.
IBTA 2012 m. balandžio mėn. naujienos (anglų k.) |
Dental X-rays and meningiomas: The publication of the results of a study (freely available here) showing the possible connection between certain types of dental X-rays and meningiomas was bound to generate much media excitement. The major conclusion of the research was: "Exposure to some dental x-rays performed in the past, when radiation exposure was greater than in the current era, appears to be associated with an increased risk of intracranial meningioma. As with all sources of artificial ionizing radiation, considered use of this modifiable risk factor may be of benefit to patients." Even the UK Economist magazine reported the study and their report found favour with at least one commercial dentistry website. A more detailed analysis appeared in a UK regional newspaper here and on further examination their article was sourced to a London commercial health analysis group called Bazian but no specific author of the commentary was identified.
CNS tumours and suicide and cardiovascular death: In a major study of more than six million Swedes to examine the association between a cancer diagnosis and the immediate risk of suicide, or death from cardiovascular causes during 1991-2006, researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden studied 13,447 people with CNS tumours. The researchers found a highly elevated risk of suicide during the first three months after a cancer diagnosis for all cancers but skin cancer; the risk elevation was strongest for cancers of the esophagus, liver or pancreas followed by lung cancer and CNS tumours.
For deaths from cardiovascular causes, the researchers more closely examined the first week after cancer diagnosis, and they found that CNS tumour patients had the highest risk increase from cardiovascular death during the first week after diagnosis, compared to patients with other cancers. In this latter analysis, stroke was excluded from cardiovascular deaths given the concern of misclassifying CNS tumours as stroke and vice versa. These results have implications for clinical practice and supportive care of brain tumour patients. The study was reported in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Visas Tarptautinės sergančiųjų galvos smegenų augliais asociacijos 2012 m. balandžio mėn. naujienas anglų kalba rasite čia.
Šaltinis: |
"Kartu lengviau" susitikimas Vilniuje |
Š.m. balandžio 24 d. Kartu lengviau bendruomenės įkūrėjai ir aktyviausi nariai buvo susirinkę pasidalinti idėjomis, mintimis ir aptarti planuojamas veiklas.
Džiaugiamės, kad vėl, nors ir trumpai, galėjome pabūti kartu.
Jei turite pasiūlymų, pastabų ar pageidavimų, maloniai prašom rašykite mums el. pašto adresu
Šis el.pašto adresas yra apsaugotas nuo Spam'o, jums reikia įjungti Javaskriptą, kad matytumėte tai
Puslapis 10 iš 21 |