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IBTA 2012 m. balandžio mėn. naujienos (anglų k.) Spausdinti

Dental X-rays and meningiomas: The publication of the results of a study (freely available here) showing the possible connection between certain types of dental X-rays and meningiomas was bound to generate much media excitement. The major conclusion of the research was: "Exposure to some dental x-rays performed in the past, when radiation exposure was greater than in the current era, appears to be associated with an increased risk of intracranial meningioma. As with all sources of artificial ionizing radiation, considered use of this modifiable risk factor may be of benefit to patients." Even the UK Economist magazine reported the study and their report found favour with at least one commercial dentistry website. A more detailed analysis appeared in a UK regional newspaper here and on further examination their article was sourced to a London commercial health analysis group called Bazian but no specific author of the commentary was identified.

CNS tumours and suicide and cardiovascular death: In a major study of more than six  million Swedes to examine the association between a cancer diagnosis and the immediate risk of suicide, or death from cardiovascular causes during 1991-2006, researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden studied 13,447 people with CNS tumours. The researchers found a highly elevated risk of suicide during the first three months after a cancer diagnosis for all cancers but skin cancer; the risk elevation was strongest for cancers of the esophagus, liver or pancreas followed by lung cancer and CNS tumours.  

For deaths from cardiovascular causes, the researchers more closely examined the first week after cancer diagnosis, and they found that CNS tumour patients had the highest risk increase from cardiovascular death during the first week after diagnosis, compared to patients with other cancers. In this latter analysis, stroke was excluded from cardiovascular deaths given the concern of misclassifying CNS tumours as stroke and vice versa. These results have implications for clinical practice and supportive care of brain tumour patients. The study was reported in the New England Journal of Medicine.


Visas Tarptautinės sergančiųjų galvos smegenų augliais asociacijos 2012 m. balandžio mėn. naujienas anglų kalba rasite čia.

